Christmas Cat

I absolutely fell in love with The Enchanted Ladybug's Scarecrow Cat and Halloween Cat. I've made my very own Scarecrow and Halloween kitties and then decided to take artistic liberty and make my own versions of her original cat pattern. 

Today I am sharing my Christmas cat with you! It was actually a quick project...what took long was waiting for the blue safety eyes to arrive. I typically buy my safety eyes and noses from the 6060 Etsy Shop, which I highly recommend as they ship and delivers very quickly, but they were out of blue ones, so I had to use a different shop and it took quite a bit of time to arrive. 

But all the waiting was worth my while because this kitty looks adorable! My goal was to make him as sparkly as possible and I think I achieved just that!

 I am so pleased with this kitty and already have plans to make a New Year Cat!


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